Rose geranium

Pelargonium graveolens

Rose geranium oil is prized for is strong rose-like floral fragrance and is used extensively as an ingredient in perfumes and body-care.

While Pelorgonium graveolens is endemic to Southern Africa, it was first cultivated for essential oil in France in the 17th century. The plant was subsequently re-exported to the French ‘colonies’, namely the islands of the Comores, Reunion (originally called Île de Bourbon) and Madagascar.

Rose geranium oil is distilled from the flowers and oil-laden leaves of the variety Pelorgonium graveolens. Fairoils’ Kenyan rose geranium genetics were originally sourced from the island of Reunion, and hence we refer to our oil as a “Bourbon-type” Rose Geranium.

Fairoils has established a small-scale grower project encompassing 1,200 farmers successfully growing rose geranium in the foothills of Mt Kenya in the Kenyan highlands.

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Production and extraction

Rose geranium is a fast-growing perennial shrub with over 300 recorded varieties – yet only a few of those produce an essential oil.

A heavily aromatic plant, its aroma is released simply by brushing its velvety-soft leaves. The flowers, which range from white to pink are delicate and are not the key component for harvesting.

Fairoils’ project is located close to the equator, in ideal growing conditions, which means the crop can be harvested every four months -delivering three harvests per year for our Kenyan farmers. The crop is harvested on the first sign of flowering, when oil yields are high.

Fairoils processes its rose geranium oil in its own central processing facility on-site within the Mount Kenyan projects. Fairoils distils the harvested biomass with wet-steam generated by bio-mass boilers run on bio-waste briquettes.
Rose Geranium oil has a complex composition which varies according to altitude and climatic conditions. The oil Fairoils produces in Kenyan Highlands is rich in geraniol, citronellyl formate and citronellol. Fairoils supplies all the relevant technical and quality documents on request.
Packaging: 5kg, 25kg & 180kg drums

Fairoils can produce and supply around 10mt of Rose Geranium oil per year.
  • Ethically Sourced
  • Pure & Natural
  • Steam Distilled
  • Essential Oil
  • Out Grower Grown

Grown at our projects

Kenyan Highlands
Madagascar South

Pure and Natural.

Work with us to source pure, natural oils produced to the highest ethical standards.